Friday, May 28, 2010

Why can't the last day of school be nice?

//Aw mian the last day of school was the last day of sabbaticals and the day we got back our report books. //Apparently i suck at fencing. Senior 'killed' me FIVE times can you believe it?!? FIVE TIMES I 'DIED'!!! But i killed her seven times. I could have sworn if i didn't wear that bulky protective clothes and juz had my light and B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L class tee it would be so much better!
//Anyways i injured my right thigh somehow and couldn't make it for the hip hop session that afternoon, which means i hav seriously a lot to catch up! But at last i found a partner! Almost wanted to opt out becuz i can't see what in the world the instructor is shaking or jumping and i was alone at the back(ahem i came late so im so lonely lols...)
//Oh yar after sabbaticals so sad i loved fencing cuz can toop other ppl...but anyways we reported back to class after sabbaticals ended to get report books.
//An incident happened aparently that SPOILT OUR CLASS'S NAME!!! omg i was so pissed off and teacher delayed us becuz they wanted to find out who was behind that incident...nvm i shall not disclose this matter since it isnt pleasant...AT ALL...So poor megan had to wait for us~as in me, vernise, amanda and shuhui~for more than half an hour.
//Oh yeah got back results. Wanna know? Busybody!~ okay im juz kidding~ here we go...

Combined Humanities=A1 *woohoo cheers!*

Language Arts(aka English)=A1 *claps claps claps*

Higher chinese= B3!!! OMG ONE MORE MARK TO A2! Argh i got A2 for exams then kanna pulled down by usual homework><

Maths=A1 *yay*

Science=A1 *hooray*

Soooooo, my msg(ps it's not wei jin)=1.33! yay! But im fed up with HCL!!! Nvm now amanda shuhui and vernise 'hates' me cuz they got juz a tweeny little bit less mark ><>

Lols im so random okay tis the end of thy ranting! HEEHEE (: